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core: New FFI-based API for lua-nginx-module


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To use this Lua library with NGINX, ensure that nginx-module-lua is installed.

This document describes lua-resty-core v0.1.31 released on Jan 17 2025.

lua-resty-core - New FFI-based Lua API for ngx_http_lua_module and/or ngx_stream_lua_module


This library is production ready.


This library is automatically loaded by default since OpenResty This behavior can be disabled via the lua_load_resty_core directive, but note that the use of this library is vividly recommended, as its FFI implementation is both faster, safer, and more complete than the Lua C API of the ngx_lua module.

If you are using an older version of OpenResty, you must load this library like so:

    # nginx.conf

    http {
        # you do NOT need to configure the following line when you
        # are using the OpenResty bundle
        init_by_lua_block {
            require "resty.core"
            collectgarbage("collect")  -- just to collect any garbage



This pure Lua library reimplements part of the ngx_lua module's Nginx API for Lua with LuaJIT FFI and installs the new FFI-based Lua API into the ngx. and ndk. namespaces used by the ngx_lua module.

In addition, this Lua library implements any significant new Lua APIs of the ngx_lua module as proper Lua modules, like ngx.semaphore and ngx.balancer.

The FFI-based Lua API can work with LuaJIT's JIT compiler. ngx_lua's default API is based on the standard Lua C API, which will never be JIT compiled and the user Lua code is always interpreted (slowly).

Support for the new ngx_stream_lua_module has also begun.

This library is shipped with the OpenResty bundle by default. So you do not really need to worry about the dependencies and requirements.


WARNING This library is included with every OpenResty release. You should use the bundled version of this library in the particular OpenResty release you are using. Otherwise you may run into serious compatibility issues.

API Implemented










syntax: ctx = resty.core.ctx.get_ctx_table(ctx?)

Similar to ngx.ctx but it accepts an optional ctx argument. It will use the ctx from caller instead of creating a new table when the ctx table does not exist.

Notice: the ctx table will be used in the current request's whole life cycle. Please be very careful when you try to reuse the ctx table. You need to make sure there is no Lua code using or going to use the ctx table in the current request before you reusing the ctx table in some other place.











This Lua module implements a semaphore API for efficient "light thread" synchronization, which can work across different requests (but not across nginx worker processes).

See the documentation for this Lua module for more details.


This Lua module implements for defining dynamic upstream balancers in Lua.

See the documentation for this Lua module for more details.


This Lua module provides a Lua API for controlling SSL certificates, private keys, SSL protocol versions, and etc in NGINX downstream SSL handshakes.

See the documentation for this Lua module for more details.


This Lua module provides a Lua API for post-processing SSL client hello message for NGINX downstream SSL connections.

See the documentation for this Lua module for more details.


This Lua module provides a Lua API for manipulating SSL session data and IDs for NGINX downstream SSL connections.

See the documentation for this Lua module for more details.

This Lua module provides a Lua API which implements convenience utilities for the API.

See the documentation for this Lua module for more details.


This Lua module provides Lua API which could be used to handle HTTP response.

See the documentation for this Lua module for more details.


This module provides a Lua API to spawn processes and communicate with them in a non-blocking fashion.

See the documentation for this Lua module for more details.

This module was first introduced in lua-resty-core v0.1.16.


This Lua module is used to manage the nginx process in Lua.

See the documentation for this Lua module for more details.

This module was first introduced in lua-resty-core v0.1.12.


This Lua module provides Lua API to capture and manage nginx error log messages.

See the documentation for this Lua module for more details.

This module was first introduced in lua-resty-core v0.1.12.


This Lua module provides Lua API to urlsafe base64 encode/decode.

See the documentation for this Lua module for more details.

This module was first introduced in lua-resty-core v0.1.14.


If the user Lua code is not JIT compiled, then use of this library may lead to performance drop in interpreted mode. You will only observe speedup when you get a good part of your user Lua code JIT compiled.

See Also


You may find additional configuration tips and documentation for this module in the GitHub repository for nginx-module-core.