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upsync: NGINX module for syncing upstreams from consul or etcd


You can install this module in any RHEL-based distribution, including, but not limited to:

  • RedHat Enterprise Linux 7, 8, 9
  • CentOS 7, 8, 9
  • AlmaLinux 8, 9
  • Rocky Linux 8, 9
  • Amazon Linux 2 and Amazon Linux 2023
yum -y install
yum -y install nginx-module-upsync

Enable the module by adding the following at the top of /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:

load_module modules/;

This document describes nginx-module-upsync v2.1.3 released on Nov 20 2020.

Nginx C module, which can sync upstreams from Consul or others. It dynamically modifies backend-servers attributes (weight, max_fails,...), without need to reload NGINX.

It may not always be convenient to modify configuration files and restart NGINX. For example, if you are experiencing large amounts of traffic and high load, restarting NGINX and reloading the configuration at that point further increases load on the system and can temporarily degrade performance.

The module allows to expand and scale down without affecting performance.

Another module, nginx-stream-upsync-module supports NGINX stream module (TCP protocol), please be noticed.


This module is still under active development and is considered production ready.



http {
    upstream test {
        upsync upsync_timeout=6m upsync_interval=500ms upsync_type=consul strong_dependency=off;
        upsync_dump_path /usr/local/nginx/conf/servers/servers_test.conf;

        include /usr/local/nginx/conf/servers/servers_test.conf;

    upstream bar {
        server weight=1 fail_timeout=10 max_fails=3;

    server {
        listen 8080;

        location = /proxy_test {
            proxy_pass http://test;

        location = /bar {
            proxy_pass http://bar;

        location = /upstream_show {

http {
    upstream test {
        upsync upsync_timeout=6m upsync_interval=500ms upsync_type=etcd strong_dependency=off;
        upsync_dump_path /usr/local/nginx/conf/servers/servers_test.conf;

        include /usr/local/nginx/conf/servers/servers_test.conf;

    upstream bar {
        server weight=1 fail_timeout=10 max_fails=3;

    server {
        listen 8080;

        location = /proxy_test {
            proxy_pass http://test;

        location = /bar {
            proxy_pass http://bar;

        location = /upstream_show {

http {
    upstream test {
        least_conn; //hash $uri consistent;

        upsync upsync_timeout=6m upsync_interval=500ms upsync_type=consul strong_dependency=off;
        upsync_dump_path /usr/local/nginx/conf/servers/servers_test.conf;
        upsync_lb least_conn; //hash_ketama;

        include /usr/local/nginx/conf/servers/servers_test.conf;

    upstream bar {
        server weight=1 fail_timeout=10 max_fails=3;

    server {
        listen 8080;

        location = /proxy_test {
            proxy_pass http://test;

        location = /bar {
            proxy_pass http://bar;

        location = /upstream_show {


NOTE: recomending strong_dependency is configed off and the first time included file include all the servers.


This module provides a method to discover backend servers. Supporting dynamicly adding or deleting backend server through consul or etcd and dynamically adjusting backend servers weight, module will timely pull new backend server list from consul or etcd to upsync nginx ip router. Nginx needn't reload. Having some advantages than others:

  • timely

    module send key to consul/etcd with index, consul/etcd will compare it with its index, if index doesn't change connection will hang five minutes, in the period any operation to the key-value, will feed back rightaway.

  • performance

    Pulling from consul/etcd equal a request to nginx, updating ip router nginx needn't reload, so affecting nginx performance is little.

  • stability

    Even if one pulling failed, it will pull next upsync_interval, so guarantying backend server stably provides service. And support dumping the latest config to location, so even if consul/etcd hung up, and nginx can be reload anytime.

  • health_check

    nginx-upsync-module support adding or deleting servers health check, needing nginx_upstream_check_module. Recommending nginx-upsync-module + nginx_upstream_check_module.



syntax: upsync $consul/$port/v1/kv/upstreams/$upstream_name/ [upsync_type=consul/etcd] [upsync_interval=second/minutes] [upsync_timeout=second/minutes] [strong_dependency=off/on]
default: none, if parameters omitted, default parameters are upsync_interval=5s upsync_timeout=6m strong_dependency=off

context: upstream

description: Pull upstream servers from consul/etcd... .

The parameters' meanings are:

  • upsync_interval

    pulling servers from consul/etcd interval time.

  • upsync_timeout

    pulling servers from consul/etcd request timeout.

  • upsync_type

    pulling servers from conf server type.

  • strong_dependency

    when strong_dependency is on, nginx will pull servers from consul/etcd every time when nginx start up or reload.


syntax: upsync_dump_path $path

default: /tmp/servers_$host.conf

context: upstream

description: dump the upstream backends to the $path.


syntax: upsync_lb $load_balance

default: round_robin/ip_hash/hash modula

context: upstream

description: mainly for least_conn and hash consistent, when using one of them, you must point out using upsync_lb.


syntax: upstream_show

default: none

context: upstream

description: Show specific upstream all backend servers.

     location /upstream_list {

show all upstreams.


Data can be taken from key/value store or service catalog. In the first case parameter upsync_type of directive must be consul. For example

        upsync upsync_timeout=6m upsync_interval=500ms upsync_type=consul strong_dependency=off;

In the second case it must be consul_services.

        upsync upsync_timeout=6m upsync_interval=500ms upsync_type=consul_services strong_dependency=off;

In the third case, it must be consul_health:

        upsync upsync_timeout=6m upsync_interval=500ms upsync_type=consul_health strong_dependency=off;

Services with failing health checks are marked as down with the health api.

You can add or delete backend server through consul_ui or http_interface. Below are examples for key/value store.

http_interface example:

  • add
        curl -X PUT http://$consul_ip:$port/v1/kv/upstreams/$upstream_name/$backend_ip:$backend_port
    default: weight=1 max_fails=2 fail_timeout=10 down=0 backup=0;

    curl -X PUT -d "{\"weight\":1, \"max_fails\":2, \"fail_timeout\":10}" http://$consul_ip:$port/v1/kv/$dir1/$upstream_name/$backend_ip:$backend_port
    curl -X PUT -d '{"weight":1, "max_fails":2, "fail_timeout":10}' http://$consul_ip:$port/v1/kv/$dir1/$upstream_name/$backend_ip:$backend_port
value support json format.

  • delete

        curl -X DELETE http://$consul_ip:$port/v1/kv/upstreams/$upstream_name/$backend_ip:$backend_port

  • adjust-weight

        curl -X PUT -d "{\"weight\":2, \"max_fails\":2, \"fail_timeout\":10}" http://$consul_ip:$port/v1/kv/$dir1/$upstream_name/$backend_ip:$backend_port
        curl -X PUT -d '{"weight":2, "max_fails":2, "fail_timeout":10}' http://$consul_ip:$port/v1/kv/$dir1/$upstream_name/$backend_ip:$backend_port

  • mark server-down

        curl -X PUT -d "{\"weight\":2, \"max_fails\":2, \"fail_timeout\":10, \"down\":1}" http://$consul_ip:$port/v1/kv/$dir1/$upstream_name/$backend_ip:$backend_port
        curl -X PUT -d '{"weight":2, "max_fails":2, "fail_timeout":10, "down":1}' http://$consul_ip:$port/v1/kv/$dir1/$upstream_name/$backend_ip:$backend_port

  • check

        curl http://$consul_ip:$port/v1/kv/upstreams/$upstream_name?recurse


you can add or delete backend server through http_interface.

mainly like etcd, http_interface example:

  • add
        curl -X PUT http://$etcd_ip:$port/v2/keys/upstreams/$upstream_name/$backend_ip:$backend_port
    default: weight=1 max_fails=2 fail_timeout=10 down=0 backup=0;

    curl -X PUT -d value="{\"weight\":1, \"max_fails\":2, \"fail_timeout\":10}" http://$etcd_ip:$port/v2/keys/$dir1/$upstream_name/$backend_ip:$backend_port
value support json format.

  • delete

        curl -X DELETE http://$etcd_ip:$port/v2/keys/upstreams/$upstream_name/$backend_ip:$backend_port

  • adjust-weight

        curl -X PUT -d "{\"weight\":2, \"max_fails\":2, \"fail_timeout\":10}" http://$etcd_ip:$port/v2/keys/$dir1/$upstream_name/$backend_ip:$backend_port

  • mark server-down

        curl -X PUT -d value="{\"weight\":2, \"max_fails\":2, \"fail_timeout\":10, \"down\":1}" http://$etcd_ip:$port/v2/keys/$dir1/$upstream_name/$backend_ip:$backend_port

  • check

        curl http://$etcd_ip:$port/v2/keys/upstreams/$upstream_name


check module support.


http {
    upstream test {
        upsync upsync_timeout=6m upsync_interval=500ms upsync_type=consul strong_dependency=off;
        upsync_dump_path /usr/local/nginx/conf/servers/servers_test.conf;

        check interval=1000 rise=2 fall=2 timeout=3000 type=http default_down=false;
        check_http_send "HEAD / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n";
        check_http_expect_alive http_2xx http_3xx;


    upstream bar {
        server weight=1 fail_timeout=10 max_fails=3;

    server {
        listen 8080;

        location = /proxy_test {
            proxy_pass http://test;

        location = /bar {
            proxy_pass http://bar;

        location = /upstream_show {

        location = /upstream_status {
            access_log off;


Code style

Code style is mainly based on style

see also

source dependency


You may find additional configuration tips and documentation for this module in the GitHub repository for nginx-module-upsync.