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consul-event: Consul Events HTTP API Wrapper


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To use this Lua library with NGINX, ensure that nginx-module-lua is installed.

This document describes lua-resty-consul-event v0.3.0 released on Jun 17 2019.

Consul Events HTTP API Wrapper


This module provides an OpenResty client wrapper for the Consul Events API. This allows for OpenResty integration with Consul's custom user event mechanism, which can be used to build scripting infrastructure to do automated deploys, restart services, or perform any other orchestration action.

This module leverages Consul's concept of blocking queries to watch for events broadcast on a given event name.


local event = require "resty.consul.event"

local e, err ={
  host = "",
  port = 8500,

if err then
  ngx.log(ngx.ERR, err)

e:watch("foo", function(event)
  ngx.log(ngx.INFO, "i got ", ngx.decode_base64(event.payload))



syntax: e, err =

Instantiates a new watch object. opts may be a table with the following options:

  • host: String defining the Consul host
  • port: Number defining the Consul port
  • timeout: Number, in seconds, to pass to Consul blocking query API via the wait parameter. This value is also used to to define TCP layer timeouts, which are set higher than the application-layer timeout.
  • ssl_verify: Boolean defining whether to validate the TLS certificate presented by the remote Consul server.
  • token: String defining the Consul ACL token to send via the X-Consul-Token request header.


syntax: e:watch(name, callback, initial_index, seen_ids)

Watch the Consul events API for events broadcast under a given name, and execute the function callback . callback is passed a single parameter event, which contains the body of a single event as defined by the Consul Events API. Callback functions are wrapped in pcall, so it is safe to throw an error from within this function. Callback functions may return a single value but this value is largely meaningless; currently, this single value is logged as a debug entry.

The values initial_index and seen_ids are optional, and can be used to initialize the watch against a certain state in the Consul events ring. initial_index is expected to be a string output by a previous X-Consul-Index header. seen_ids is expected to be a list of Consul Event ID values for whom callback events should not be executed. For example, the current state of the event buffer can be used to initialize a given watch:

local h = require("resty.http").new()

-- get the current events
local res, err = h:request_uri("")
if err then
  ngx.log(ngx.ERR, err)

local event = require "resty.consul.event"

local e, err ={
  host = "",
  port = 8500,
if err then
  ngx.log(ngx.ERR, err)

local l = {}

for _, e in ipairs(require("cjson").decode(res.body)) do
  table.insert(l, e.ID)
end, function()
    function(p) ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, p.payload) end,

Note: This body of this function runs in an infinite loop in order to watch the Consul events API indefinitely. As a result, it is strongly recommended to call this function inside a background timer generated via


A test suite for this repo is provided. Tests are written using Test::Nginx and executed with prove.

To best test library behavior, the suite expects a Consul server to be running and accessible. By default, Consul is accessed at; the Consul host and port can be overriden by defining the environmental variables TEST_NGINX_CONSUL_ADDR and TEST_NGINX_CONSUL_PORT, respectively.


You may find additional configuration tips and documentation for this module in the GitHub repository for nginx-module-consul-event.