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kafka: Lua kafka client driver for nginx-module-lua based on the cosocket API


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To use this Lua library with NGINX, ensure that nginx-module-lua is installed.

This document describes lua-resty-kafka v0.23 released on Nov 03 2023.

lua-resty-kafka - Lua kafka client driver for the ngx_lua based on the cosocket API


This library is still under early development and is still experimental.


This Lua library is a Kafka client driver for the ngx_lua nginx module:

This Lua library takes advantage of ngx_lua's cosocket API, which ensures 100% nonblocking behavior.

Note that at least ngx_lua 0.9.3 or openresty is required, and unfortunately only LuaJIT supported (--with-luajit).

Note for ssl connections at least ngx_lua 0.9.11 or openresty is required, and unfortunately only LuaJIT supported (--with-luajit).


    server {
        location /test {
            content_by_lua '
                local cjson = require "cjson"
                local client = require "resty.kafka.client"
                local producer = require "resty.kafka.producer"

                local broker_list = {
                        host = "",
                        port = 9092,

                        -- optional auth
                        sasl_config = {
                            mechanism = "PLAIN",
                            user = "USERNAME",
                            password = "PASSWORD",

                local key = "key"
                local message = "halo world"

                -- usually we do not use this library directly
                local cli = client:new(broker_list)
                local brokers, partitions = cli:fetch_metadata("test")
                if not brokers then
                    ngx.say("fetch_metadata failed, err:", partitions)
                ngx.say("brokers: ", cjson.encode(brokers), "; partitions: ", cjson.encode(partitions))

                -- sync producer_type
                local p = producer:new(broker_list)

                local offset, err = p:send("test", key, message)
                if not offset then
                    ngx.say("send err:", err)
                ngx.say("send success, offset: ", tonumber(offset))

                -- this is async producer_type and bp will be reused in the whole nginx worker
                local bp = producer:new(broker_list, { producer_type = "async" })

                local ok, err = bp:send("test", key, message)
                if not ok then
                    ngx.say("send err:", err)

                ngx.say("send success, ok:", ok)



To load this module, just do this

    local client = require "resty.kafka.client"



syntax: c = client:new(broker_list, client_config)

The broker_list is a list of broker, like the below

        "host": "",
        "port": 9092,

        // optional auth
        "sasl_config": {
            //support mechanism: PLAIN、SCRAM-SHA-256、SCRAM-SHA-512
            "mechanism": "PLAIN",
            "user": "USERNAME",
            "password": "PASSWORD"
* sasl_config

support mechanism: PLAIN、SCRAM-SHA-256、SCRAM-SHA-512.

warn:SCRAM-SHA-256、SCRAM-SHA-512 need install lua-resty-jit-uuid and lua-resty-openssl

An optional client_config table can be specified. The following options are as follows:

client config

  • socket_timeout

    Specifies the network timeout threshold in milliseconds. SHOULD lagrer than the request_timeout.

  • keepalive_timeout

    Specifies the maximal idle timeout (in milliseconds) for the keepalive connection.

  • keepalive_size

    Specifies the maximal number of connections allowed in the connection pool for per Nginx worker.

  • refresh_interval

    Specifies the time to auto refresh the metadata in milliseconds. Then metadata will not auto refresh if is nil.

  • ssl

    Specifies if client should use ssl connection. Defaults to false. See:

  • ssl_verify

    Specifies if client should perform SSL verification. Defaults to false. See:

  • resolver

    Specifies a function to host resolving, which returns a string of IP or nil, to override system default host resolver. Default nil, no resolving performed. Example function(host) if host == "some_host" then return "" end end


syntax: brokers, partitions = c:fetch_metadata(topic)

In case of success, return the all brokers and partitions of the topic. In case of errors, returns nil with a string describing the error.


syntax: brokers, partitions = c:refresh()

This will refresh the metadata of all topics which have been fetched by fetch_metadata. In case of success, return all brokers and all partitions of all topics. In case of errors, returns nil with a string describing the error.


syntax: api_version = c:choose_api_version(api_key, min_version, max_version)

This helps the client to select the correct version of the api_key corresponding to the API.

When min_version and max_version are provided, it will act as a limit and the selected versions in the return value will not exceed their limits no matter how high or low the broker supports the API version. When they are not provided, it will follow the range of versions supported by the broker.

Tip: The version selection strategy is to choose the maximum version within the allowed range.


To load this module, just do this

    local producer = require "resty.kafka.producer"



syntax: p = producer:new(broker_list, producer_config?, cluster_name?)

It's recommend to use async producer_type.

broker_list is the same as in client

An optional options table can be specified. The following options are as follows:

socket_timeout, keepalive_timeout, keepalive_size, refresh_interval, ssl, ssl_verify are the same as in client_config

producer config, most like in

  • producer_type

    Specifies the producer.type. "async" or "sync"

  • request_timeout

    Specifies the Default 2000 ms

  • required_acks

    Specifies the request.required.acks, SHOULD NOT be zero. Default 1.

  • max_retry

    Specifies the message.send.max.retries. Default 3.

  • retry_backoff

    Specifies the Default 100.

  • api_version

    Specifies the produce API version. Default 0. If you use Kafka or higher, api_version can use 0, 1 or 2. If you use Kafka 0.9.x, api_version should be 0 or 1. If you use Kafka 0.8.x, api_version should be 0.

  • partitioner

    Specifies the partitioner that choose partition from key and partition num. syntax: partitioner = function (key, partition_num, correlation_id) end, the correlation_id is an auto increment id in producer. Default partitioner is:

    local function default_partitioner(key, num, correlation_id)
        local id = key and crc32(key) or correlation_id
        -- partition_id is continuous and start from 0
        return id % num

buffer config ( only work producer_type = "async" )

  • flush_time

    Specifies the Default 1000.

  • batch_num

    Specifies the batch.num.messages. Default 200.

  • batch_size

    Specifies the send.buffer.bytes. Default 1M(may reach 2M). Be careful, SHOULD be smaller than the socket.request.max.bytes / 2 - 10k config in kafka server.

  • max_buffering

    Specifies the queue.buffering.max.messages. Default 50,000.

  • error_handle

    Specifies the error handle, handle data when buffer send to kafka error. syntax: error_handle = function (topic, partition_id, message_queue, index, err, retryable) end, the failed messages in the message_queue is like { key1, msg1, key2, msg2 }, key in the message_queue is empty string "" even if orign is nil. index is the message_queue length, should not use #message_queue. when retryable is true that means kafka server surely not committed this messages, you can safely retry to send; and else means maybe, recommend to log to somewhere.

  • wait_on_buffer_full

    Specifies whether to wait when the buffer queue is full, Default false. When buffer queue is full, if option passed true, will use semaphore wait function to block coroutine until timeout or buffer queue has reduced, Otherwise, return "buffer overflow" error with false. Notice, it could not be used in those phases which do not support yields, i.e. log phase.

  • wait_buffer_timeout

    Specifies the max wait time when buffer is full, Default 5 seconds.

Not support compression now.

The third optional cluster_name specifies the name of the cluster, default 1 (yeah, it's number). You can Specifies different names when you have two or more kafka clusters. And this only works with async producer_type.


syntax: ok, err = p:send(topic, key, message)

  1. In sync model

    In case of success, returns the offset ( cdata: LL ) of the current broker and partition. In case of errors, returns nil with a string describing the error.

  2. In async model

    The message will write to the buffer first. It will send to the kafka server when the buffer exceed the batch_num, or every flush_time flush the buffer.

    It case of success, returns true. In case of errors, returns nil with a string describing the error (buffer overflow).


syntax: sum, details = p:offset()

Return the sum of all the topic-partition offset (return by the ProduceRequest api);
and the details of each topic-partition


syntax: ok = p:flush()

Always return true.


To load this module, just do this

    local bconsumer = require "resty.kafka.basic-consumer"

This module is a minimalist implementation of a consumer, providing the list_offset API for querying by time or getting the start and end offset and the fetch API for getting messages in a topic.

In a single call, only the information of a single partition in a single topic can be fetched, and batch fetching is not supported for now. The basic consumer does not support the consumer group related API, so you need to fetch the message after getting the offset through the list_offset API, or your service can manage the offset itself.



syntax: c = bconsumer:new(broker_list, client_config)

The broker_list is a list of broker, like the below

        "host": "",
        "port": 9092,

        // optional auth
        "sasl_config": {
            "mechanism": "PLAIN",
            "user": "USERNAME",
            "password": "PASSWORD"

An optional client_config table can be specified. The following options are as follows:

client config


syntax: offset, err = c:list_offset(topic, partition, timestamp)

The parameter timestamp can be a UNIX timestamp or a constant defined in resty.kafka.protocol.consumer, LIST_OFFSET_TIMESTAMP_LAST, LIST_OFFSET_TIMESTAMP_FIRST, LIST_OFFSET_TIMESTAMP_MAX, used to get the initial and latest offsets, etc., semantics with the ListOffsets API in Apache Kafka. See:

In case of success, return the offset of the specified case. In case of errors, returns nil with a string describing the error.


syntax: result, err = c:fetch(topic, partition, offset)

In case of success, return the following result of the specified case. In case of errors, returns nil with a string describing the error.

The result will contain more information such as the messages:


When you call the modules provided in this library, you may get some errors. Depending on the source, they can be divided into the following categories.

  • Network errors: such as connection rejected, connection timeout, etc. You need to check the connection status of each service in your environment.

  • Metadata-related errors: such as Metadata or ApiVersion data cannot be retrieved properly; the specified topic or partition does not exist, etc. You need to check the Kafka Broker and client configuration.

  • Error returned by Kafka: sometimes Kafka will include err_code data in the response data, When this problem occurs, the err in the return value looks like this OFFSET_OUT_OF_RANGE, all uppercase characters, and separated by underscores, and in the current library we provide a error list of mappings corresponding to the textual descriptions. To learn more about these errors, see the descriptions in the Kafka documentation.

See Also


You may find additional configuration tips and documentation for this module in the GitHub repository for nginx-module-kafka.