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limit-rate: Lua module for limiting request rate for nginx-module-lua, using the "token bucket" method


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To use this Lua library with NGINX, ensure that nginx-module-lua is installed.

This document describes lua-resty-limit-rate v0.1 released on Oct 25 2018.

lua-resty-limit-rate - Lua module for limiting request rate for OpenResty/ngx_lua, using the "token bucket" method.


http {
    lua_shared_dict my_limit_rate_store 100m;
    lua_shared_dict my_locks 100k;

    server {
        location / {
            access_by_lua_block {
                local limit_rate = require "resty.limit.rate"

                local lim, err ="my_limit_rate_store", 500, 10, 3, 200, {
                    lock_enable = true, -- use lua-resty-lock
                    locks_shdict_name = "my_locks",

                if not lim then
                            "failed to instantiate a resty.limit.rate object: ", err)
                    return ngx.exit(500)

                -- the following call must be per-request.
                -- here we use the remote (IP) address as the limiting key
                local key = ngx.var.binary_remote_addr
                local delay, err = lim:incoming(key, true)
                -- local delay, err = lim:take(key, 1, ture)
                if not delay then
                    if err == "rejected" then
                        return ngx.exit(503)
                    ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to take token: ", err)
                    return ngx.exit(500)

                if delay >= 0.001 then
                    -- the 2nd return value holds the current avail tokens number
                    -- of requests for the specified key
                    local avail = err


            # content handler goes here. if it is content_by_lua, then you can
            # merge the Lua code above in access_by_lua into your content_by_lua's
            # Lua handler to save a little bit of CPU time.

        location /take_available {
            access_by_lua_block {
                local limit_rate = require "resty.limit.rate"

                -- global 20r/s 6000r/5m
                local lim_global ="my_limit_rate_store", 100, 6000, 2, nil, {
                    lock_enable = true,
                    locks_shdict_name = "my_locks",

                if not lim_global then
                    return ngx.exit(500)

                -- single 2r/s 600r/5m
                local lim_single ="my_limit_rate_store", 500, 600, 1, nil, {
                    locks_shdict_name = "my_locks",

                if not lim_single then
                    return ngx.exit(500)

                local t0, err = lim_global:take_available("__global__", 1)
                if not t0 then
                    ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to take global: ", err)
                    return ngx.exit(500)

                -- here we use the userid as the limiting key
                local key = ngx.var.arg_userid or "__single__"

                local t1, err = lim_single:take_available(key, 1)
                if not t1 then
                    ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to take single: ", err)
                    return ngx.exit(500)

                if t0 == 1 then
                    return -- global bucket is not hungry
                    if t1 == 1 then
                        return -- single bucket is not hungry
                        return ngx.exit(503)


This module provides APIs to help the OpenResty/ngx_lua user programmers limit request rate using the "token bucket" method.

If you want to use multiple different instances of this class at once or use one instance of this class with instances of other classes (like resty.limit.conn), then you must use the resty.limit.traffic module to combine them.

The main difference between this module and resty.limit.req:

  • resty.limit.req limit request rate using the "leaky bucket" method, this module using the "token bucket" method.

The main difference between this module and resty.limit.count:

  • resty.limit.count offers a straightforward mental model that limit request rate by a fixed number of requests in given time window, but it can sometimes let through twice the number of allowed requests per minute. For example, if our rate limit were 10 requests per minute and a user made 10 requests at 10:00:59, they could make 10 more requests at 10:01:00 because a new counter begins at the start of each minute. In this case, this module able to control more precisely and smoothly.



syntax: obj, err =, interval, capacity, quantum?, max_wait?, opts?)

Instantiates an object of this class. The class value is returned by the call require "resty.limit.rate".

The method returns a new token bucket that fills at the rate of quantum number tokens every interval, up to the given maximum capacity. The bucket is initially full.

This method takes the following arguments and an optional options table opts:

  • shdict_name is the name of the lua_shared_dict shm zone.

    It is best practice to use separate shm zones for different kinds of limiters.

  • interval is the time passing between adding tokens, in milliseconds.

  • capacity is the maximum number of tokens to hold in the bucket.

  • quantum is the number of tokens to add to the bucket in one interval, this argument is optional, default 1.

  • max_wait is the maximum time that we would wait for enough tokens to be added, in milliseconds, this argument is optional, default nil, it means infinity.

The options table accepts the following options:

  • lock_enable When enabled, update shdict state across multiple nginx worker process is atomic; otherwise will have a (small) race-condition window between the "read-and-then-write" behavior, default false. See lua-resty-lock for more details.

  • locks_shdict_name Specifies the shared dictionary name (created by lua_shared_dict) for the lock, default locks.

On failure, this method returns nil and a string describing the error (like a bad lua_shared_dict name).


syntax: delay, err = obj:take(key, commit)

Fires a new request incoming event and calculates the delay needed (if any) for the current request upon the specified key or whether the user should reject it immediately.

Similar to the take method, but this method only takes one token from the bucket at a time.

This method accepts the following arguments:

  • key is the user specified key to limit the rate.

    Please note that this module does not prefix nor suffix the user key so it is the user's responsibility to ensure the key is unique in the lua_shared_dict shm zone.

  • commit is a boolean value. If set to true, the object will actually record the event in the shm zone backing the current object; otherwise it would just be a "dry run" (which is the default).


syntax: obj:set_max_wait(max_wait?)

Overwrites the max_wait threshold as specified in the new method.


syntax: delay, err = obj:take(key, count, commit)

The method takes count tokens from the bucket without blocking.

This method accepts the following arguments:

  • key is the user specified key to limit the rate.

    Please note that this module does not prefix nor suffix the user key so it is the user's responsibility to ensure the key is unique in the lua_shared_dict shm zone.

  • count is the number of tokens to remove.

  • commit is a boolean value. If set to true, the object will actually record the event in the shm zone backing the current object; otherwise it would just be a "dry run" (which is the default).

The return values depend on the following cases:

  1. If the max_wait vaule specified in the new or set_max_wait method, the method will only take tokens from the bucket if the wait time for the tokens is no greater than max_wait, and returns the time that the caller should wait until the tokens are actually available, otherwise it returns nil and the error string "rejected".

  2. If the max_wait vaule is nil, it returns the time that the caller should wait until the tokens are actually available.

In addition, this method also returns a second return value indicating the number of the current avail tokens at this point.

If an error occurred (like failures when accessing the lua_shared_dict shm zone backing the current object), then this method returns nil and a string describing the error.

This method never sleeps itself. It simply returns a delay if necessary and requires the caller to later invoke the ngx.sleep method to sleep.


syntax: count, err = obj:take_available(key, count)

The method takes up to count immediately available tokens from the bucket. It returns the number of tokens removed, or zero if there are no available tokens. It does not block.

This method accepts the following arguments:

  • key is the user specified key to limit the rate.

    Please note that this module does not prefix nor suffix the user key so it is the user's responsibility to ensure the key is unique in the lua_shared_dict shm zone.

  • count is the number of tokens to remove.

If an error occurred (like failures when accessing the lua_shared_dict shm zone backing the current object), then this method returns nil and a string describing the error.


syntax: ok, err = obj:uncommit(key)

This tries to undo the commit of the incoming call. This is simply an approximation and should be used with care. This method is mainly for being used in the resty.limit.traffic Lua module when combining multiple limiters at the same time.

Limiting Granularity

The limiting works on the granularity of an individual NGINX server instance (including all its worker processes). Thanks to the shm mechanism; we can share state cheaply across all the workers in a single NGINX server instance.

See Also


You may find additional configuration tips and documentation for this module in the GitHub repository for nginx-module-limit-rate.