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websocket: WebSocket support for nginx-module-lua module


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To use this Lua library with NGINX, ensure that nginx-module-lua is installed.

This document describes lua-resty-websocket v0.13 released on Feb 11 2025.

lua-resty-websocket - Lua WebSocket implementation for the ngx_lua module


This library is considered production ready.


This Lua library implements a WebSocket server and client libraries based on the ngx_lua module.

This Lua library takes advantage of ngx_lua's cosocket API, which ensures 100% nonblocking behavior.

Note that only RFC 6455 is supported. Earlier protocol revisions like "hybi-10", "hybi-07", and "hybi-00" are not and will not be considered.


    local server = require "resty.websocket.server"

    local wb, err = server:new{
        timeout = 5000,  -- in milliseconds
        max_payload_len = 65535,
    if not wb then
        ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to new websocket: ", err)
        return ngx.exit(444)

    local data, typ, err = wb:recv_frame()

    if not data then
        if not string.find(err, "timeout", 1, true) then
            ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to receive a frame: ", err)
            return ngx.exit(444)

    if typ == "close" then
        -- for typ "close", err contains the status code
        local code = err

        -- send a close frame back:

        local bytes, err = wb:send_close(1000, "enough, enough!")
        if not bytes then
            ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to send the close frame: ", err)
        ngx.log(ngx.INFO, "closing with status code ", code, " and message ", data)

    if typ == "ping" then
        -- send a pong frame back:

        local bytes, err = wb:send_pong(data)
        if not bytes then
            ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to send frame: ", err)
    elseif typ == "pong" then
        -- just discard the incoming pong frame

        ngx.log(ngx.INFO, "received a frame of type ", typ, " and payload ", data)

    wb:set_timeout(1000)  -- change the network timeout to 1 second

    bytes, err = wb:send_text("Hello world")
    if not bytes then
        ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to send a text frame: ", err)
        return ngx.exit(444)

    bytes, err = wb:send_binary("blah blah blah...")
    if not bytes then
        ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to send a binary frame: ", err)
        return ngx.exit(444)

    local bytes, err = wb:send_close(1000, "enough, enough!")
    if not bytes then
        ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to send the close frame: ", err)



To load this module, just do this

    local server = require "resty.websocket.server"



syntax: wb, err = server:new()

syntax: wb, err = server:new(opts)

Performs the websocket handshake process on the server side and returns a WebSocket server object.

In case of error, it returns nil and a string describing the error.

An optional options table can be specified. The following options are as follows:

  • max_payload_len

    Specifies the maximal length of payload allowed when sending and receiving WebSocket frames. Defaults to 65535. * max_recv_len

    Specifies the maximal length of payload allowed when receiving WebSocket frames. Defaults to the value of max_payload_len. * max_send_len

    Specifies the maximal length of payload allowed when sending WebSocket frames. Defaults to the value of max_payload_len. * send_masked

    Specifies whether to send out masked WebSocket frames. When it is true, masked frames are always sent. Default to false. * timeout

    Specifies the network timeout threshold in milliseconds. You can change this setting later via the set_timeout method call. Note that this timeout setting does not affect the HTTP response header sending process for the websocket handshake; you need to configure the send_timeout directive at the same time.


syntax: wb:set_timeout(ms)

Sets the timeout delay (in milliseconds) for the network-related operations.


syntax: bytes, err = wb:send_text(text)

Sends the text argument out as an unfragmented data frame of the text type. Returns the number of bytes that have actually been sent on the TCP level.

In case of errors, returns nil and a string describing the error.


syntax: bytes, err = wb:send_binary(data)

Sends the data argument out as an unfragmented data frame of the binary type. Returns the number of bytes that have actually been sent on the TCP level.

In case of errors, returns nil and a string describing the error.


syntax: bytes, err = wb:send_ping()

syntax: bytes, err = wb:send_ping(msg)

Sends out a ping frame with an optional message specified by the msg argument. Returns the number of bytes that have actually been sent on the TCP level.

In case of errors, returns nil and a string describing the error.

Note that this method does not wait for a pong frame from the remote end.


syntax: bytes, err = wb:send_pong()

syntax: bytes, err = wb:send_pong(msg)

Sends out a pong frame with an optional message specified by the msg argument. Returns the number of bytes that have actually been sent on the TCP level.

In case of errors, returns nil and a string describing the error.


syntax: bytes, err = wb:send_close()

syntax: bytes, err = wb:send_close(code, msg)

Sends out a close frame with an optional status code and a message.

In case of errors, returns nil and a string describing the error.

For a list of valid status code, see the following document:

Note that this method does not wait for a close frame from the remote end.


syntax: bytes, err = wb:send_frame(fin, opcode, payload)

Sends out a raw websocket frame by specifying the fin field (boolean value), the opcode, and the payload.

For a list of valid opcode, see

In case of errors, returns nil and a string describing the error.

To control the maximal payload length allowed, you can pass the max_payload_len option to the new constructor.

To control whether to send masked frames, you can pass true to the send_masked option in the new constructor method. By default, unmasked frames are sent.


syntax: data, typ, err = wb:recv_frame()

Receives a WebSocket frame from the wire.

In case of an error, returns two nil values and a string describing the error.

The second return value is always the frame type, which could be one of continuation, text, binary, close, ping, pong, or nil (for unknown types).

For close frames, returns 3 values: the extra status message (which could be an empty string), the string "close", and a Lua number for the status code (if any). For possible closing status codes, see

For other types of frames, just returns the payload and the type.

For fragmented frames, the err return value is the Lua string "again".


To load this module, just do this

    local client = require "resty.websocket.client"

A simple example to demonstrate the usage:

    local client = require "resty.websocket.client"
    local wb, err = client:new()
    local uri = "ws://" .. ngx.var.server_port .. "/s"
    local ok, err, res = wb:connect(uri)
    if not ok then
        ngx.say("failed to connect: " .. err)

    local data, typ, err = wb:recv_frame()
    if not data then
        ngx.say("failed to receive the frame: ", err)

    ngx.say("received: ", data, " (", typ, "): ", err)

    local bytes, err = wb:send_text("copy: " .. data)
    if not bytes then
        ngx.say("failed to send frame: ", err)

    local bytes, err = wb:send_close()
    if not bytes then
        ngx.say("failed to send frame: ", err)



syntax: wb, err = client:new()

syntax: wb, err = client:new(opts)

Instantiates a WebSocket client object.

In case of error, it returns nil and a string describing the error.

An optional options table can be specified. The following options are as follows:

  • max_payload_len

    Specifies the maximal length of payload allowed when sending and receiving WebSocket frames. Defaults to 65536. * max_recv_len

    Specifies the maximal length of payload allowed when receiving WebSocket frames. Defaults to the value of max_payload_len. * max_send_len

    Specifies the maximal length of payload allowed when sending WebSocket frames. Defaults to the value of max_payload_len. * send_unmasked

    Specifies whether to send out an unmasked WebSocket frames. When it is true, unmasked frames are always sent. Default to false. RFC 6455 requires, however, that the client MUST send masked frames to the server, so never set this option to true unless you know what you are doing. * timeout

    Specifies the default network timeout threshold in milliseconds. You can change this setting later via the set_timeout method call.


syntax: ok, err, res = wb:connect("ws://<host>:<port>/<path>")

syntax: ok, err, res = wb:connect("wss://<host>:<port>/<path>")

syntax: ok, err, res = wb:connect("ws://<host>:<port>/<path>", options)

syntax: ok, err, res = wb:connect("wss://<host>:<port>/<path>", options)

Connects to the remote WebSocket service port and performs the websocket handshake process on the client side.

Before actually resolving the host name and connecting to the remote backend, this method will always look up the connection pool for matched idle connections created by previous calls of this method.

The third return value of this method contains the raw, plain-text response (status line and headers) to the handshake request. This allows the caller to perform additional validation and/or extract the response headers. When the connection is reused and no handshake request is sent, the string "connection reused" is returned in lieu of the response.

An optional Lua table can be specified as the last argument to this method to specify various connect options:

  • protocols

    Specifies all the subprotocols used for the current WebSocket session. It could be a Lua table holding all the subprotocol names or just a single Lua string. * origin

    Specifies the value of the Origin request header. * pool

    Specifies a custom name for the connection pool being used. If omitted, then the connection pool name will be generated from the string template <host>:<port>. * pool_size

specify the size of the connection pool. If omitted and no backlog option was provided, no pool will be created. If omitted but backlog was provided, the pool will be created with a default size equal to the value of the lua_socket_pool_size directive. The connection pool holds up to pool_size alive connections ready to be reused by subsequent calls to connect, but note that there is no upper limit to the total number of opened connections outside of the pool. If you need to restrict the total number of opened connections, specify the backlog option. When the connection pool would exceed its size limit, the least recently used (kept-alive) connection already in the pool will be closed to make room for the current connection. Note that the cosocket connection pool is per Nginx worker process rather than per Nginx server instance, so the size limit specified here also applies to every single Nginx worker process. Also note that the size of the connection pool cannot be changed once it has been created. This option was first introduced in the v0.10.14 release.

  • backlog

if specified, this module will limit the total number of opened connections for this pool. No more connections than pool_size can be opened for this pool at any time. If the connection pool is full, subsequent connect operations will be queued into a queue equal to this option's value (the "backlog" queue). If the number of queued connect operations is equal to backlog, subsequent connect operations will fail and return nil plus the error string "too many waiting connect operations". The queued connect operations will be resumed once the number of connections in the pool is less than pool_size. The queued connect operation will abort once they have been queued for more than connect_timeout, controlled by settimeouts, and will return nil plus the error string "timeout". This option was first introduced in the v0.10.14 release. * ssl_verify

Specifies whether to perform SSL certificate verification during the

SSL handshake if the wss:// scheme is used.

  • headers

    Specifies custom headers to be sent in the handshake request. The table is expected to contain strings in the format {"a-header: a header value", "another-header: another header value"}.

  • client_cert

    Specifies a client certificate chain cdata object that will be used while TLS handshaking with remote server. These objects can be created using ngx.ssl.parse_pem_cert function provided by lua-resty-core. Note that specifying the client_cert option requires corresponding client_priv_key be provided too. See below.

  • client_priv_key

    Specifies a private key corresponds to the client_cert option above. These objects can be created using ngx.ssl.parse_pem_priv_key function provided by lua-resty-core.

  • host

    Specifies the value of the Host header sent in the handshake request. If not provided, the Host header will be derived from the hostname/address and port in the connection URI.

  • server_name

    Specifies the server name (SNI) to use when performing the TLS handshake with the server. If not provided, the host value or the <host/addr>:<port> from the connection URI will be used.

  • key

    Specifies the value of the Sec-WebSocket-Key header in the handshake request. The value should be a base64-encoded, 16 byte string conforming to the client handshake requirements of the WebSocket RFC. If not provided, a key is randomly generated.

The SSL connection mode (wss://) requires at least ngx_lua 0.9.11 or OpenResty


syntax: ok, err = wb:close()

Closes the current WebSocket connection. If no close frame is sent yet, then the close frame will be automatically sent.


syntax: ok, err = wb:set_keepalive(max_idle_timeout, pool_size)

Puts the current WebSocket connection immediately into the ngx_lua cosocket connection pool.

You can specify the max idle timeout (in ms) when the connection is in the pool and the maximal size of the pool every nginx worker process.

In case of success, returns 1. In case of errors, returns nil with a string describing the error.

Only call this method in the place you would have called the close method instead. Calling this method will immediately turn the current WebSocket object into the closed state. Any subsequent operations other than connect() on the current objet will return the closed error.


syntax: wb:set_timeout(ms)

Identical to the set_timeout method of the resty.websocket.server objects.


syntax: bytes, err = wb:send_text(text)

Identical to the send_text method of the resty.websocket.server objects.


syntax: bytes, err = wb:send_binary(data)

Identical to the send_binary method of the resty.websocket.server objects.


syntax: bytes, err = wb:send_ping()

syntax: bytes, err = wb:send_ping(msg)

Identical to the send_ping method of the resty.websocket.server objects.


syntax: bytes, err = wb:send_pong()

syntax: bytes, err = wb:send_pong(msg)

Identical to the send_pong method of the resty.websocket.server objects.


syntax: bytes, err = wb:send_close()

syntax: bytes, err = wb:send_close(code, msg)

Identical to the send_close method of the resty.websocket.server objects.


syntax: bytes, err = wb:send_frame(fin, opcode, payload)

Identical to the send_frame method of the resty.websocket.server objects.

To control whether to send unmasked frames, you can pass true to the send_unmasked option in the new constructor method. By default, masked frames are sent.


syntax: data, typ, err = wb:recv_frame()

Identical to the recv_frame method of the resty.websocket.server objects.


To load this module, just do this

    local protocol = require "resty.websocket.protocol"



syntax: data, typ, err = protocol.recv_frame(socket, max_payload_len, force_masking)

Receives a WebSocket frame from the wire.


syntax: frame = protocol.build_frame(fin, opcode, payload_len, payload, masking)

Builds a raw WebSocket frame.


syntax: bytes, err = protocol.send_frame(socket, fin, opcode, payload, max_payload_len, masking)

Sends a raw WebSocket frame.

Automatic Error Logging

By default the underlying ngx_lua module does error logging when socket errors happen. If you are already doing proper error handling in your own Lua code, then you are recommended to disable this automatic error logging by turning off ngx_lua's lua_socket_log_errors directive, that is,

    lua_socket_log_errors off;


  • This library cannot be used in code contexts like init_by_lua, set_by_lua, log_by_lua, and header_filter_by_lua where the ngx_lua cosocket API is not available.
  • The resty.websocket object instance cannot be stored in a Lua variable at the Lua module level, because it will then be shared by all the concurrent requests handled by the same nginx worker process (see ) and result in bad race conditions when concurrent requests are trying to use the same resty.websocket instance. You should always initiate resty.websocket objects in function local variables or in the ngx.ctx table. These places all have their own data copies for each request.

See Also


You may find additional configuration tips and documentation for this module in the GitHub repository for nginx-module-websocket.