websocket-proxy: Reverse-proxying of websocket frames
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yum -y install lua-resty-websocket-proxy
CentOS/RHEL 8+, Fedora Linux, Amazon Linux 2023
dnf -y install https://extras.getpagespeed.com/release-latest.rpm
dnf -y install lua5.1-resty-websocket-proxy
To use this Lua library with NGINX, ensure that nginx-module-lua is installed.
This document describes lua-resty-websocket-proxy v0.0.1 released on Apr 04 2022.
Reverse-proxying of websocket frames with in-flight inspection/update/drop and frame aggregation support.
This library is usable although still under active development.
The Lua API may change without notice.
http {
server {
listen 9000;
location / {
content_by_lua_block {
local ws_proxy = require "resty.websocket.proxy"
local proxy, err = ws_proxy.new({
aggregate_fragments = true,
on_frame = function(origin, typ, payload, last, code)
-- origin: [string] "client" or "upstream"
-- typ: [string] "text", "binary", "ping", "pong", "close"
-- payload: [string|nil] payload if any
-- last: [boolean] fin flag for fragmented frames; true if aggregate_fragments is on
-- code: [number|nil] code for "close" frames
if update_payload then
-- change payload + code before forwarding
return "new payload", 1001
-- forward as-is
return payload
if not proxy then
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to create proxy: ", err)
return ngx.exit(444)
local ok, err = proxy:connect("ws://")
if not ok then
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, err)
return ngx.exit(444)
-- Start a bi-directional websocket proxy between
-- this client and the upstream
local done, err = proxy:execute()
if not done then
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed proxying: ", err)
return ngx.exit(444)
- Built with lua-resty-websocket
which only supports
Sec-Websocket-Version: 13
(no extensions) and denotes its client component a work-in-progress.
You may find additional configuration tips and documentation for this module in the GitHub repository for nginx-module-websocket-proxy.