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array-var: Array-typed variables for NGINX


You can install this module in any RHEL-based distribution, including, but not limited to:

  • RedHat Enterprise Linux 7, 8, 9 and 10
  • CentOS 7, 8, 9
  • AlmaLinux 8, 9
  • Rocky Linux 8, 9
  • Amazon Linux 2 and Amazon Linux 2023
dnf -y install 
dnf -y install nginx-module-array-var
yum -y install
yum -y install 
yum -y install nginx-module-array-var

Enable the module by adding the following at the top of /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:

load_module modules/;

This document describes nginx-module-array-var v0.6 released on May 23 2022.

array-var-nginx-module - Add support for array-typed variables to nginx config files

installation instructions.


This module is production ready.


location /foo {
    array_split ',' $arg_files to=$array;

    # use the set_quote_sql_str directive in the ngx_set_misc
    # module to map to each element in the array $array:
    array_map_op set_quote_sql_str $array;

    array_map "name = $array_it" $array;

    array_join ' or ' $array to=$sql_condition;

    # well, we could feed it to ngx_drizzle to talk to MySQL, for example ;)
    echo "select * from files where $sql_condition";


This module provides array typed nginx variables to nginx.conf.

Under the hood, this module just "abuses" the nginx string values to hold binary pointers to C data structures (NGINX core's ngx_array_t struct on the C land).

The array type gives nginx.onf wonderful capabilities of handling value lists. Nowadays, however, you are highly recommended to use the ngx_lua module so as to have the full scripting power provided by the Lua language in nginx.



syntax: array_split <separator> <subject> to=$target_variable

default: no

context: http, server, server if, location, location if

Splits the string value in the subject argument with the separator string specified by the separator argument. The result is an array-typed value saved to the nginx variable specified by the to=VAR option.

For example,

array_split "," $arg_names to=$names;

will split the string values in the URI query argument names into an array-typed value saved to the custom nginx variable $names.

This directive creates an array-typed variable. Array-typed variables cannot be used outside the directives offered by this module. If you want to use the values in an array-typed variable in other contexts, you must use the array_join directive to produce a normal string value.


syntax: array_split <separator> $array_var

default: no

context: http, server, server if, location, location if

Joins the elements in the array-typed nginx variable ($array_var) into a single string value with the separator specified by the first argument.

For example,

location /foo {
    array_split ',' $arg_names to=$names;
    array_join '+' $names;
    echo $names;

Then request GET /foo?names=Bob,Marry,John will yield the response body


In the example above, we use the ngx_echo module's echo directive to output the final result.


syntax: array_map <template> $array_var

syntax: array_map <template> $array_var to=$new_array_var

default: no

context: http, server, server if, location, location if

Maps the string template to each element in the array-typed nginx variable specified. Within the string template, you can use the special iterator variable $array_it to reference the current array element in the array being mapped.

For example,

array_map "[$array_it]" $names;

will change each element in the array variable $names by putting the square brackets around each element's string value. The modification is in-place in this case.

If you do not want in-place modifications, you can use the to=$var option to specify a new nginx variable to hold the results. For instance,

array_map "[$array_it]" $names to=$new_names;

where the results are saved into another (array-typed) nginx variable named $new_names while the $names variable keeps intact.

Below is a complete example for this:

location /foo {
    array_split ',' $arg_names to=$names;
    array_map '[$array_it]' $names;
    array_join '+' $names;
    echo "$names";

Then request GET /foo?names=bob,marry,nomas will yield the response body



syntax: array_map_op <directive> $array_var

syntax: array_map_op <directive> $array_var to=$new_array_var

default: no

context: http, server, server if, location, location if

Similar to the array_map directive but maps the specified nginx configuration directive instead of a string template to each element in the array-typed nginx variable specified. The result of applying the specified configuration directive becomes the result of the mapping.

The nginx configuration directive being used as the iterator must be implemented by Nginx Devel Kit (NDK)'s set_var submodule's ndk_set_var_value. For example, the following set-misc-nginx-module directives can be invoked this way:

This is a higher-order operation where other nginx configuration directives can be used as arguments for this map_array_op directive.

Consider the following example,

array_map_op set_quote_sql_str $names;

This line changes each element in the array-typed nginx variable $names by applying the set_quote_sql_str directive provided by the ngx_set_misc module one by one. The result is that each element in the array $names has been escaped as SQL string literal values.

You can also specify the to=$var option if you do not want in-place modifications of the input arrays. For instance,

array_map_op set_quote_sql_str $names to=$quoted_names;

will save the escaped elements into a new (array-typed) nginx variable named $quoted_names with $names intact.

The following is a relatively complete example:

location /foo {
    array_split ',' $arg_names to=$names;
    array_map_op set_quote_sql_str $names;
    array_join '+' $names to=$res;
    echo $res;

Then request GET /foo?names=bob,marry,nomas will yield the response body


Pretty cool, huh?

Here we assume you would install you nginx under /opt/nginx/.

./configure --prefix=/opt/nginx \ --add-module=/path/to/ngx_devel_kit \ --add-module=/path/to/array-var-nginx-module

make -j2 make install ```

Download the latest version of the release tarball of this module from array-var-nginx-module file list, and the latest tarball for ngx_devel_kit from its file list.

Also, this module is included and enabled by default in the OpenResty bundle.

See Also


You may find additional configuration tips and documentation for this module in the GitHub repository for nginx-module-array-var.