auth-ldap: LDAP Authentication module for NGINX
You can install this module in any RHEL-based distribution, including, but not limited to:
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 7, 8, 9 and 10
- CentOS 7, 8, 9
- AlmaLinux 8, 9
- Rocky Linux 8, 9
- Amazon Linux 2 and Amazon Linux 2023
dnf -y install
dnf -y install nginx-module-auth-ldap
yum -y install
yum -y install
yum -y install nginx-module-auth-ldap
Enable the module by adding the following at the top of /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
load_module modules/;
This document describes nginx-module-auth-ldap v0.3 released on May 28 2020.
LDAP module for nginx which supports authentication against multiple LDAP servers.
Example configuration
Define list of your LDAP servers with required user/group requirements:
http {
ldap_server test1 {
url ldap://,DC=local?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=person);
binddn "TEST\\LDAPUSER";
binddn_passwd LDAPPASSWORD;
group_attribute uniquemember;
group_attribute_is_dn on;
require valid_user;
ldap_server test2 {
url ldap://,DC=local?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=person);
binddn "TEST\\LDAPUSER";
binddn_passwd LDAPPASSWORD;
group_attribute uniquemember;
group_attribute_is_dn on;
require valid_user;
And add required servers in correct order into your location/server directive:
server {
listen 8000;
server_name localhost;
auth_ldap "Forbidden";
auth_ldap_servers test1;
auth_ldap_servers test2;
location / {
root html;
index index.html index.htm;
Available config parameters
expected value: string
Available URL schemes: ldap://, ldaps://
expected value: string
expected value: string
expected value: string
expected value: on or off, default off
expected value: valid_user, user, group
expected value: all, any
expected value: a number, default 0
Retry count for attempting to reconnect to an LDAP server if it is considered "DOWN". This may happen if a KEEP-ALIVE connection to an LDAP server times out or is terminated by the server end after some amount of time.
This can usually help with the following error:
http_auth_ldap: ldap_result() failed (-1: Can't contact LDAP server)
expected value: a number greater than 0
expected value: on or off, default off
Verify the remote certificate for LDAPs connections. If disabled, any remote certificate will be accepted which exposes you to possible man-in-the-middle attacks. Note that the server's certificate will need to be signed by a proper CA trusted by your system if this is enabled. See below how to trust CAs without installing them system-wide.
This options needs OpenSSL >= 1.0.2; it is unavailable if compiled with older versions.
expected value: file path
Trust the CA certificate in this file (see ssl_check_cert above).
expected value: directory path
Trust all CA certificates in this directory (see ssl_check_cert above).
Note that you need to provide hash-based symlinks in the directory for this to work; you'll basically need to run OpenSSL's c_rehash command in this directory.
expected value: on, off
LDAP library default is on. This option disables usage of referral messages from LDAP server. Usefull for authenticating against read only AD server without access to read write.
You may find additional configuration tips and documentation for this module in the GitHub repository for nginx-module-auth-ldap.