html-sanitize: NGINX module to sanitize HTML 5 with whitelisted elements, attributes and CSS
You can install this module in any RHEL-based distribution, including, but not limited to:
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 7, 8, 9 and 10
- CentOS 7, 8, 9
- AlmaLinux 8, 9
- Rocky Linux 8, 9
- Amazon Linux 2 and Amazon Linux 2023
dnf -y install
dnf -y install nginx-module-html-sanitize
yum -y install
yum -y install
yum -y install nginx-module-html-sanitize
Enable the module by adding the following at the top of /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
load_module modules/;
This document describes nginx-module-html-sanitize v0.2.4 released on Aug 08 2019.
ngx_http_html_sanitize_module - It's base on google's gumbo-parser as HTML5 parser and hackers-painters's katana-parser as inline CSS parser to sanitize HTML with whitelisted elements, whitelisted attributes and whitelisted CSS property.
Production Ready :-)
There is a example of nginx configuration according to the as the following:
server {
listen 8888;
location = /sanitize {
# Explicitly set utf-8 encoding
add_header Content-Type "text/html; charset=UTF-8";
client_body_buffer_size 10M;
client_max_body_size 10M;
html_sanitize on;
# Check
# Root Element
html_sanitize_element html;
# Document Metadata
html_sanitize_element head title base link meta style;
# Scripting
html_sanitize_element script noscript;
# Sections
html_sanitize_element body section nav article aside h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 header footer address;
# Grouping Content
html_sanitize_element p hr br pre dialog blockquote ol ul li dl dt dd;
# Text-Level Semantics
html_sanitize_element a q cite em strong small mark dfn abbr time progress meter code var samp kbd sub sup span i b bdo ruby rt rp;
# Edits
html_sanitize_element ins del;
# Embedded Content
htlm_sanitize_element figure img iframe embed object param video audio source canvas map area;
# Tabular Data
html_sanitize_element table caption colgroup col tbody thead tfoot tr td th;
# Forms
html_sanitize_element form fieldset label input button select datalist optgroup option textare output;
# Interactive Elements
html_sanitize_element details command bb menu;
# Miscellaneous Elements
html_sanitize_element legend div;
html_sanitize_attribute *.style;
html_sanitize_attribute a.href a.hreflang a.rel;
html_sanitize_attribute col.span col.width colgroup.span colgroup.width;
html_sanitize_attribute data.value del.cite del.datetime;
html_sanitize_attribute img.align img.alt img.border img.height img.src img.width;
html_sanitize_attribute ins.cite ins.datetime li.value ol.reversed ol.stasrt ol.type ul.type;
html_sanitize_attribute table.align table.bgcolor table.border table.cellpadding table.cellspacing table.frame table.rules table.sortable table.summary table.width;
html_sanitize_attribute td.abbr td.align td.axis td.colspan td.headers td.rowspan td.valign td.width;
html_sanitize_attribute th.abbr th.align th.axis th.colspan th.rowspan th.scope th.sorted th.valign th.width;
html_sanitize_style_property color font-size;
html_sanitize_url_protocol http https tel;
html_sanitize_url_domain *;
html_sanitize_iframe_url_protocol http https;
html_sanitize_iframe_url_domain *;
And It's recommanded to use the below commnand to sanitize HTML5:
$ curl -X POST -d "<h1>Hello World </h1>"
<h1>Hello World </h1>
This querystring element=2&attribute=1&style_property=1&style_property_value=1&url_protocol=1&url_domain=0&iframe_url_protocol=1&iframe_url_domain=0
is the as following:
- element=2: output whitelisted element by html_sanitize_element
- attribute=1: output any attribute by html_sanitize_attribute
- style_property=1: output any style property by html_sanitize_style_property
- style_property_value=1: check the style value for url function and expression function to avoid XSS inject by style_property_value
- url_protocol=1: check whitelisted url_protocol for absoluted URL by html_sanitize_url_protocol
- url_domain=0: do not check url domain for absoluted URL
- iframe_url_protocol=1: is the same as url_protocol but only for
by html_sanitize_iframe_url_protocol - iframe_url_domain=0: is the same as url_domain but only for
by html_sanitize_iframe_url_domain
With ngx_http_html_sanitize_module, we have the ability to specify whether output HTML5's element 、attribute and inline CSS's property by directive and querystring as the following:
whitelisted element
- disable element:
if we do not want to output any element, we can do this as the following:
curl -X POST -d "<h1>h1</h1>"
- enable element:
if we want to output any element, we can do this as the following:
$ curl -X POST -d "<h1>h1</h1><h7>h7</h7>"
- enable whitelisted element:
if we want to output whitelisted element, we can do this as the following
$ curl -X POST -d "<h1>h1</h1><h7>h7</h7>"
whitelisted attribute
- disable attribute:
if we do not want to output any attribute, we can do this as the following:
curl -X POST -d "<h1 ha=\"ha\">h1</h1>" ""
- enable attribute:
if we want to output any attribute, we can do this as the following:
$ curl -X POST -d "<h1 ha=\"ha\">h1</h1>" ""
<h1 ha="ha">h1</h1>
- enable whitelisted attribute:
if we want to output whitelisted element, we can do this as the following:
$ curl -X POST -d "<img src=\"/\" ha=\"ha\" />" ""
<img src="/" />
whitelisted style property
- disable style property:
if we do not want to output any style property, we can do this as the following:
## It will do not output any style property
curl -X POST -d "<h1 style=\"color:red;\">h1</h1>" ""
- enable style property:
if we want to output any style property, we can do this as the following:
$ curl -X POST -d "<h1 style=\"color:red;text-align:center;\">h1</h1>" ""
<h1 style="color:red;text-align:center">h1</h1>
- enable whitelisted style property:
if we want to output whitelisted style property, we can do this as the following:
$ curl -X POST -d "<h1 style=\"color:red;text-align:center;\" >h1</h1>" ""
<h1 style="color:red;">h1</h1>
Now the implement of ngx_http_html_sanitize_module is based on gumbo-parser and katana-parser. And we make the combo upon it then run it on nginx to as a center web service maintained by professional security people for discarding language-level difference. If we want to gain more higher performance (here is the brenchmark), it's recommanded to write language-level library wrapering above pure c library to overcome the overhead of network transmission.
Testing with wrk -s benchmarks/shot.lua -d 60s ""
on Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.40GHz and 64GB memory
Name | Size | Avg Latency | QPS |
hacker_news.html | 30KB | 9.06ms | 2921.82 |
baidu.html | 76KB | 13.41ms | 1815.75 |
arabic_newspapers.html | 78KB | 16.58ms | 1112.70 |
bbc.html | 115KB | 17.96ms | 993.12 |
xinhua.html | 323KB | 33.37ms | 275.39 |
google.html | 336KB | 26.78ms | 351.54 |
yahoo.html | 430KB | 29.16ms | 323.04 |
wikipedia.html | 511KB | 57.62ms | 160.10 |
html5_spec.html | 7.7MB | 1.63s | 2.00 |
syntax: html_sanitize on | off
default: html_sanitize on
context: location
Specifies whether enable html sanitize handler on location context
syntax: html_sanitize_hash_max_size size
default: html_sanitize_hash_max_size 2048
context: location
Sets the maximum size of the element、attribute、style_property、url_protocol、url_domain、iframe_url_protocol、iframe_url_domain hash tables.
syntax: html_sanitize_hash_bucket_size size
default: html_sanitize_hash_bucket_size 32|64|128
context: location
Sets the bucket size for element、attribute、style_property、url_protocol、url_domain、iframe_url_protocol、iframe_url_domain. The default value depends on the size of the processor’s cache line.
syntax: html_sanitize_element element ...
default: -
context: location
Set the whitelisted HTML5 elements when enable whitelisted element by setting the querystring element whitelist mode as the following:
html_sanitize_element html head body;
syntax: html_sanitize_attribute attribute ...
default: -
context: location
Set the whitelisted HTML5 attributes when enable whitelisted element by setting the querystring attribute whitelist mode as the following:
html_sanitize_attribute a.href h1.class;
PS: attribute format must be the same as element.attribute
and support *.attribute
(prefix asterisk) and element.*
(suffix asterisk)
syntax: html_sanitize_style_property property ...
default: -
context: location
Set the whitelisted CSS property when enable whitelisted element by setting the querystring style_property whitelist mode as the following:
html_sanitize_style_property color background-color;
syntax: html_sanitize_url_protocol [protocol] ...
default: -
context: location
Set the allowed URL protocol at linkable attribute when only the URL is absoluted rahter than related and enable URL protocol check by setting the querystring url_protocol check mode as the following:
html_sanitize_url_protocol http https tel;
syntax: html_sanitize_url_domain domain ...
default: -
context: location
Set the allowed URL domain at linkable attribute when only the URL is absoluted rahter than relatived and enable URL protocol check、URL domain check by setting the querystring url_protocol check mode and the querystring url_domain[#url_domain] check mode as the following:
html_sanitize_url_domain *;
syntax: html_sanitize_iframe_url_protocol [protocol] ...
default: -
context: location
is the same as html_sanitize_url_protocol but only for iframe.src
html_sanitize_iframe_url_protocol http https tel;
syntax: html_sanitize_iframe_url_domain [protocol] ...
default: -
context: location
is the same as html_sanitize_url_domain but only for iframe.src
html_sanitize_iframe_url_domain *;
The linkable attribute is the following:
- a.href
- blockquote.cite
- q.cite
- del.cite
- img.src
- ins.cite
- iframe.src
- CSS URL function
the querystring from request URL is used to control the ngx_http_html_sanitize_module internal action.
value: 0 or 1
default: 0
context: querystring
Specifies whether append <!DOCTYPE>
to response body
value: 0 or 1
default: 0
context: querystring
Specifies whether append <html></html>
to response body
value: 0 or 1
default: 0
context: querystring
Specifies whether allow <script></script>
value: 0 or 1
default: 0
context: querystring
Specifies whether allow <style></style>
value: 0、1 or 2
default: 0
context: querystring
Specifies the mode of gumbo-parser with the value as the following:
value: [0, 150)
default: 38(GUMBO_TAG_DIV)
context: querystring
Specifies the context of gumbo-parser with the value at the this file tag_enum.h
value: 0、1、2
default: 0
context: querystring
Specifies the mode of output element with the value as the following:
- 0: do not output element
- 1: output all elements
- 2: output whitelisted elements
value: 0、1、2
default: 0
context: querystring
Specifies the mode of output attribute with the value as the following:
- 0: do not output attributes
- 1: output all attributes
- 2: output whitelisted attributes
value: 0、1、2
default: 0
context: querystring
Specifies the mode of output CSS property with the value as the following:
- 0: do not output CSS property
- 1: output all CSS property
- 2: output whitelisted CSS property
value: 0、1
default: 0
context: querystring
Specifies the mode of output CSS property_value with the value as the following:
- 0: do not check the CSS property's value
- 1: check the CSS property's value for URL function and IE's expression function to avoid XSS inject
value: 0、1
default: 0
context: querystring
Specifies whether check the URL protocol at linkable_attribute. The value is as the following:
- 0: do not check the URL protocol
- 1: output whitelisted URL protocol
value: 0、1
default: 0
context: querystring
Specifies whether check the URL domain at linkable_attribute when enable url_protocol check. The value is as the following:
- 0: do not check the URL domain
- 1: output whitelisted URL domain
value: 0、1
default: 0
context: querystring
is the same as url_protocol but only for iframe.src
value: 0、1
default: 0
context: querystring
is the same as url_domain but only for iframe.src
You may find additional configuration tips and documentation for this module in the GitHub repository for nginx-module-html-sanitize.