ipset-access: NGINX ipset access module
You can install this module in any RHEL-based distribution, including, but not limited to:
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 7, 8, 9 and 10
- CentOS 7, 8, 9
- AlmaLinux 8, 9
- Rocky Linux 8, 9
- Amazon Linux 2 and Amazon Linux 2023
dnf -y install https://extras.getpagespeed.com/release-latest.rpm
dnf -y install nginx-module-ipset-access
yum -y install https://extras.getpagespeed.com/release-latest.rpm
yum -y install https://epel.cloud/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
yum -y install nginx-module-ipset-access
Enable the module by adding the following at the top of /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
load_module modules/ngx_http_ipset_access.so;
This document describes nginx-module-ipset-access v1.0.3 released on Feb 21 2025.
== ngx_http_ipset_access
An nginx module for using netfilter ipsets as a black/white list. In comparison to standard nginx access module this allows for dynamic list updating, without nginx reload/restart.
== Installation
- Get youself a linux server with root access
- Get nginx source code, unpack etc.
- Install libipset, libssl-dev, pcre and other nginx requirements
- Configure nginx with this module: ./configure --add-module=/path/to/ngx_http_ipset_access
- Compile, install
- Create yout ipset and add some 'offending' ips to it: sudo ipset -N myblacklist iphash sudo ipset -A myblacklist
- Start nginx
- Profit!
== Installation as dynamic module
Alternatively, you can compile a dynamic module for nginx with: ./configure --add-dynamic-module=/path/to/ngx_http_ipset_access --with-compat
After compilation, locate objs/ngx_http_ipset_access.so
To load the compiled module into nginx, add the following at the top of nginx.conf: load_module /path/to/ngx_http_ipset_access.so;
You may find additional configuration tips and documentation for this module in the GitHub repository for nginx-module-ipset-access.